Seachtain na hEolaíochta 2012 / Science Week 2012
Rinne Múinteoir Trish rudaí iontacha linn le haghaidh Seachtain na hEolaíochta.
Ar dtúis d'fhoglaimíomar mar a gheall ar an súil agus radharc. Rinneamar cúpla 'optical illusions' bhí siad sin go hiontach ar fad!! Ansin rinneamar spéaclaí 3D agus d'fhéachamar ar cúpla páirt do scannáin 3D! Bhí sé ar fheabhas!!
Múinteoir Trish did some lovely things with us for Science Week.
First we learned about the eye and eyesight. Then we did some optical illusions and they were really cool!! Best of all, we then MADE our own 3D glasses and watched some clips of movies with them on - it was brilliant!!!!
Ar dtúis d'fhoglaimíomar mar a gheall ar an súil agus radharc. Rinneamar cúpla 'optical illusions' bhí siad sin go hiontach ar fad!! Ansin rinneamar spéaclaí 3D agus d'fhéachamar ar cúpla páirt do scannáin 3D! Bhí sé ar fheabhas!!
Múinteoir Trish did some lovely things with us for Science Week.
First we learned about the eye and eyesight. Then we did some optical illusions and they were really cool!! Best of all, we then MADE our own 3D glasses and watched some clips of movies with them on - it was brilliant!!!!
Why don't you try some Optical Illusions!! Bain triail astu!!
Féach le haghaidh níos mó tuargnaimh ar

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