Turas Áitiúla - Rang Ms. Joy
Local Trip
Ar an gCéadaoin seo chugainn, an 21ú Meitheamh 2017, beidh rang Ms Joy dul ar thuras áitiúla stairiúla timpeall Cathair Saidhbhín. Tabharfaimid cuairt ar an RIC Barracks chun foghlaim faoi Daniel O' Connell etc
Turas Áitiúla - Rang Ms. Corkery
Local Trip
Spring Office of Post Office, Cahergal Ringfort, Ballycarbery Castle, Coastguard Station Waterville.
Éide Scoile
Cruinniú Foirne - Staff Meeting
Cruinniú Foirne - Dé Luain - 19ú Meitheamh 2017. Rachaidh na páistí abhaile ag 12.30i.n.
Staff meeting - Monday 19th June - Children will have a half day on that day.
Staff meeting - Monday 19th June - Children will have a half day on that day.
Turas Áitiúla - Rang Ms. Dineen
Local Trip
Tógfaidh Rang Iníon Ní Dhuinnín turas ar an Mháirt seo chugainn, an 20ú Meitheamh 2017. Rachaidh siad go dtí Stáisúin na nGardaí ar dtús agus ansin go dtí an stáisiún dóiteán. Beidh lón acu ansin. Rachaidh siad go dtí tithe na síoga timpeall Teach Doire Fhionán. Má bheidh an aimsir go breá, rachaidh siad go dtí an trá chun chaisleáin ghainimh a thógáil. Ná déan dearmad ar do spád agus buicéad. Déanfaidh siad beagáinín lapadáil chomh maith. Beidh cluiche againn ar an trá. Beidh go leor feitheoireacht ar an turas. Beidh na buachailí agus cailín ag fágáil na scoile ag 9.30r.n. Beidh costas €5 ar an turas seo.
Ms. Dineen's class will be going on their school tour on Friday 16th June. We will be departing school at 9:30 and going to the Garda Station and the Fire Station in Caherciveen. They will have a light lunch. They will then continue onto see the fairy houses in Derrynane. We will then have games on the beach which will be weather dependent. Please bring buckets and spades!! Cost €5 per child.
Ms. Dineen's class will be going on their school tour on Friday 16th June. We will be departing school at 9:30 and going to the Garda Station and the Fire Station in Caherciveen. They will have a light lunch. They will then continue onto see the fairy houses in Derrynane. We will then have games on the beach which will be weather dependent. Please bring buckets and spades!! Cost €5 per child.
Cruinniú faoin bPolasaí Um Oideachas Gaeltachta
Gaeltacht Education Policy Meeting
Beidh cruinniú faoin bpolasaí nua Polasaí Um Oideachas Gaeltachta ar siúl sa scoil tráthnóna Dé Céadaoin seo chugainn, an 7ú Meitheamh ag a 7.30i.n. Beimid ag caint faoin bPolasaí nua atá foilsithe ag an Roinn Oideachas agus Scileanna le déanaí agus cad atá i ndán dúinn mar scoil Gaeltachta.
Tá sé an tábhachtach go mbeadh ball ó gach chlann i láthair.
A meeting to discuss the new Gaeltacht Education Policy, published by the Department of Education and Skills, will be held in the school on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. The implications of signing up to be a Gaeltacht school will be discussed.
It is important that all families are represented at the meeting.
Tá sé an tábhachtach go mbeadh ball ó gach chlann i láthair.
A meeting to discuss the new Gaeltacht Education Policy, published by the Department of Education and Skills, will be held in the school on Wednesday evening at 7.30pm. The implications of signing up to be a Gaeltacht school will be discussed.
It is important that all families are represented at the meeting.
Blitz Chispheil
Basketball Blitz
Blitz Cispheil - 26ú Meitheamh 2017 - Coláiste na Sceilge
Blitz Sacair
Dé hAoine - 2ú Meitheamh - South Kerry Sports Centre, Over the Water
Turas Scoile - 22ú Meitheamh 2017 - Rang 2 - 6
Trá Lí
Beidh Rang 2 - 6 ar dul ar a dturas scoile bliantúla ar an 22ú Meitheamh 2017 go dtí Trá Lí. Beimid ag fágaint an Séipéal sa Coireán ag 8 a chlog an mhaidin sin. 'Sé an chéad stad ná monarcha Lee Strand. Beimid ag dul chuig an Kerry County Museum chun rudaí a foghlaim faoin obair an seandálaí agus Saol Tom Crean. Ansin beidh lón againn agus tar éis na lón beimid ag dul go dtí an Aquadome. Shroichimid an Coireán timpeall 7.30i.n. ach gheobhaidh sibh téacs ar ár bhealach abhaile. Tá costas €10 ar an turas scoile. Tá an Cumann na dTuistí ag íoc as trián den chostas. Míle buíochas Cumann na dTuistí.
School tour to Tralee. First stop Lee Strand milk factory, Kerry County Museum, Lunch at the Parkang Playground and then Swimming at the Aquadome. Leaving Chapel Cross at 8am. We hope to be back in Waterville at 7.30pm. We will text on the way home to give a more acccurate time. The tour will cost €10. Parent's council are covering one third of the cost. Thank you Parent's Association.
School tour to Tralee. First stop Lee Strand milk factory, Kerry County Museum, Lunch at the Parkang Playground and then Swimming at the Aquadome. Leaving Chapel Cross at 8am. We hope to be back in Waterville at 7.30pm. We will text on the way home to give a more acccurate time. The tour will cost €10. Parent's council are covering one third of the cost. Thank you Parent's Association.
An Chéad Chomaoineacht Naofa
First Holy Communion
Our First Holy Communion Ceremony will take place on Saturday 27th May 2017 at Our Lady of the Valley Church. As is the tradition in the school, children from 3rd class to 6th class have been very busy practising ceol agus iomainn for the big day so that they are ready to support our six first communicants. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Everyone welcome to the party afterwards in the school.
Seachain an aip Blue Whale Challenge
Dangers of the Blue Whale App
Many are warning about an app that encourages people to harm themselves. The app is called the "Blue Whale Challenge" and the fear is younger users may be drawn to it.
You may have heard about the cinnamon challenge from a few years ago. Try eating a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking anything: a harmful dare that's led to serious consequences.
Now, there's an app you probably haven't heard of but it could be dangerous.
It's called the "Blue Whale" challenge, asking users to complete a series of dares that get more intense over 50 days. The dares involve self-harm and reporting to a "Curator" with a final dare to commit suicide.
Parents may worry about their children downloading the app but you won't find it on Apple's iOS store or the Google Play Store. It's been removed.
Please ensure that this app is not installed on your child's portable device.
You may have heard about the cinnamon challenge from a few years ago. Try eating a spoonful of cinnamon without drinking anything: a harmful dare that's led to serious consequences.
Now, there's an app you probably haven't heard of but it could be dangerous.
It's called the "Blue Whale" challenge, asking users to complete a series of dares that get more intense over 50 days. The dares involve self-harm and reporting to a "Curator" with a final dare to commit suicide.
Parents may worry about their children downloading the app but you won't find it on Apple's iOS store or the Google Play Store. It's been removed.
Please ensure that this app is not installed on your child's portable device.
Primary Schools Skills Competition in South Kerry
Please see dates for Primary Schools Skills Competition in South Kerry.
South Kerry Boys Primary Skills Competition Divisional Final
Wednesday 26th April 11am Con Keating Park Caherciveen.
We will choose 3 boys and 1 sub for the boys skills competition.
South Kerry Girls Primary Skills Competition Divisional Final
Thursday 25th May 11am Con Keating Park Caherciveen.
We will choose 3 girls and 1 sub for the girls skills competition.
South Kerry Boys Primary Skills Competition Divisional Final
Wednesday 26th April 11am Con Keating Park Caherciveen.
We will choose 3 boys and 1 sub for the boys skills competition.
South Kerry Girls Primary Skills Competition Divisional Final
Thursday 25th May 11am Con Keating Park Caherciveen.
We will choose 3 girls and 1 sub for the girls skills competition.
Primary School Games
Boys trials is on at 3.30 SHARP
Girls at 4.15
On Monday, 15th May in Con Keating Park, Cahersiveen.
Girls at 4.15
On Monday, 15th May in Con Keating Park, Cahersiveen.
Community Games
COMMUNITY GAMES ATHLETICS will take place THIS THURSDAY (11th May) in Waterville football field at 6pm.
U8 (over 6) 60m, 80m
U10 (over 8) 100m, 200m
U12 (over 10) 100m, 200m & 600m
U14 (over 12) 100m, 800m
U16 (over 14) 100m, 200m & 1500m
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
Tiny tots
And novelty races to end the evening
€2 per running competitor
1st-4th will qualify for the County Finals in An Riocht, Castleisland on 24&25th June.
(medal winners-gold, silver or bronze in the sprints CANNOT compete again the long distance races- this is because you can only compete in ONE race at the county finals)
Anybody interested in u12 or u14 long jump and u14 shot put please contact either Amanda O'Sullivan or Sam Galvin
U8 (over 6) 60m, 80m
U10 (over 8) 100m, 200m
U12 (over 10) 100m, 200m & 600m
U14 (over 12) 100m, 800m
U16 (over 14) 100m, 200m & 1500m
Junior Infants
Senior Infants
Tiny tots
And novelty races to end the evening
€2 per running competitor
1st-4th will qualify for the County Finals in An Riocht, Castleisland on 24&25th June.
(medal winners-gold, silver or bronze in the sprints CANNOT compete again the long distance races- this is because you can only compete in ONE race at the county finals)
Anybody interested in u12 or u14 long jump and u14 shot put please contact either Amanda O'Sullivan or Sam Galvin
Leathanach Facebook
Facebook Page
Do you think it would be beneficial to set up a school Facebook page. There are many advantages!!
- Facebook is an excellent opportunity for a school to connect with families and share information rapidly.
- If a school is consistent in keeping the information updated and accurate, students and families will likely come to rely on the Facebook Page as a resource to find information about what’s going on at the school.
- It has increased interaction with parents in a very positive way and is another channel to improve communication.
- Parents could use Facebook to send us messages
- Parents could see what their child is doing in school and Facebook is a medium they use anyway so when it appears in their timeline, it’s like a little present.
- Share Upcoming Events - A Facebook Page is an excellent opportunity for a school to post upcoming events using the Facebook Events app. This app not only allows people to RSVP, but also makes it easy for you to share that you are attending. A school can also update attendees about any change in plans and send out a reminder as the event approaches.
- Make School Announcements - Facebook is a great space for schools to make announcements to parents and students. For instance, if there is an ever-coveted snow day, announce it on the Facebook Page. If a school shares the snow day on its Facebook Page, the news will be sent to the walls of everyone that has Liked the page.
Athbhreithniú ar ár bPolasaithe
Review of Policies
We are currently reviewing the following policies. Please read these policies as they may have important implications for you. We welcome any comments you may have before the 3rd May 2017. Policies will be amended if deemed necessary.

beartas frithbhulaíochta2017/ anti bullying policy | |
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cód iompair/ code of behaviour | |
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Cosaint Leanaí/ Child Protection | |
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Primary School Sports
Clár Itheacháin Sláintiúil Ghaiscigh an Bhia/
Food Dudes
ag tosú ar an Céadaoin, an 3ú Bealtaine 2017
A Thuismitheoir/Caomhnóir,
Ta do scoil/ pháiste páirteach i gClár Itheacháin Sláintiúil Ghaiscígh an Bhia. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an gClár páistí a spreagradh chun níos mó torthaí agus glasraí a ithe. Molann saineolaithe sláinte go n-íosfadh páistí (agus daoine fásta) cúig chuid de thorthaí agus de ghlasraí sa lá. Itheann a lán páistí faoi bhun an mhéid sin faoi láthair, áfach.
Stiúrann Bord Bia an clár in Éirinn. Tugann an Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Bia agus Mara tacaíocht airgid don chlár seo. Agus tá tacaíocht ag teacht ón Aontas Eorpach freisin. Tá scéim scoile aige a bhaineann le torthaí agus Glasraí – sa scéim seo tá maoiniú ar fáil chun torthaí agus glasraí a cheannach agus a dháileadh ar scoileanna.
Ar feadh 16 lá i ndiaidh a chéile, geobhaidh páistí torthaí agus glasraí saor in aisce sa scoil agus gheobhaidh síad greamaitheoirí agus duaiseanna beaga toisc gur ith siad na torthaí agus na glasraí. Ansin spreagfar páistí chun torthaí agus glasraí a thabhairt leo ón mbaile agus iad a ithe ar scoil mar chuid dá lón laethúil agus gheobhaidh sí teastais chun a ndul chun cinn a aithint.
Is é aidhm an chlár go spreagfaidh sé páistí chun torthaí agus glasraí a blaiseadh arís is arís ionas gur féidr leo dul i dtaithí orthu. Cuireann an clár eiseamláirí dearfacha i láthair, mar atá, Gaiscígh an Bhia. Tá siad i sraith eachtraí ar DVD agus i litreacha a léifidh an múinteoir os ard sa rang. Tá na Gaiscígh ann chun na páistí a spreagadh chun torthaí agus glasraí a ithe. Faigheann na páistí greamaitheoirí agus duaiseanna beaga chun páirt a ghlacadh sa chlár. Dearadh na duaiseanna beaga le haghaidh páistí bunscoile 4 bliana d'aois agus os a chionn sin.
Ag tosú an tseachtain seo chugainn, agus ar feadh 16 lá an chláir gheobhaidh do pháiste cuid saor in aisce de thoradh agus de ghlasra ar scoil. Seans gur mhaith leat an méid bia atá i mbosca lóin do pháiste a athrú chun spás a dhéanamh le haghaidh an bhia bhreise seo. Ní thógann an clár mórán ama ar scoil, ach tá dóchas ann go gcabhróidh sé go mór le sláinte iad siúd a ghlacfaidh páirt ann.
Cuirfear do pháiste in áirithe láithreach sa chlár seo. Ach má tá aon chúis nár mhaith leat go mbeadh do pháiste páirteach ann (m.sh. má tá ailléirge ar an bpáiste roimh thoradh nó glasra de chineál éigin), bheimis buíoch dá gcuirfeá an scoil ar an eolas.
Le tuilleadh eolais a fháil ar an gclár agus ar smaointe ar itheachán sláintiúil, féach ar ár suíomh gréasáin: www.fooddudes.ie
Tá súil againn go mbeidh spórt agat féin agus ag do pháiste le Gaiscígh an Bhia!
Bainisteoir Tionscnaimh Ghaiscígh an Bhia
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child’s/children’s school is participating in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme, which aims to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables. Health experts recommend that children (and adults) eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day. However, many children currently eat less than this.
The programme is managed in Ireland by Bord Bia and receives financial support from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the European Union through the School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme – under which the EU has made funds available for the purchase and distribution of fruit and vegetables to schools.
For 16 consecutive school days, children receive free fruit and vegetables in school and are rewarded with stickers and small rewards for eating these foods. Children will then be encouraged to bring in and eat fruit and vegetables from home as part of their daily diet and will be rewarded with certificates of achievements.
The aim of the programme is to encourage children to repeatedly try fruit and vegetables so that they can learn to like them. The programme depicts positive role models, the Food Dudes, in a series of DVD adventures and letters are read out in class that encourage children to eat fruit and vegetables. Stickers and small rewards are offered for participation in the programme. The small rewards are designed for primary school children aged 4 years and over.
Beginning next week, for 16 days of the programme your child will receive a free piece of fruit and a portion of vegetables at school. You may wish to adjust the amount of food in your child’s lunchbox to accommodate these additional foods. The programme takes only a small amount of time in school but will hopefully result in health benefits for all who participate.
Your child will automatically be included in this programme. However, if for any reason you do not want your child to take part (e.g. if they are allergic to a certain type of fruit or vegetables), we would be grateful if you could inform the school.
For further information on the programme and healthy eating ideas, please see our website; www.fooddudes.ie
We hope you and your child have fun with the Food Dudes!
Your Regional Food Dudes Project Manager
Ta do scoil/ pháiste páirteach i gClár Itheacháin Sláintiúil Ghaiscígh an Bhia. Tá sé mar aidhm ag an gClár páistí a spreagradh chun níos mó torthaí agus glasraí a ithe. Molann saineolaithe sláinte go n-íosfadh páistí (agus daoine fásta) cúig chuid de thorthaí agus de ghlasraí sa lá. Itheann a lán páistí faoi bhun an mhéid sin faoi láthair, áfach.
Stiúrann Bord Bia an clár in Éirinn. Tugann an Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Bia agus Mara tacaíocht airgid don chlár seo. Agus tá tacaíocht ag teacht ón Aontas Eorpach freisin. Tá scéim scoile aige a bhaineann le torthaí agus Glasraí – sa scéim seo tá maoiniú ar fáil chun torthaí agus glasraí a cheannach agus a dháileadh ar scoileanna.
Ar feadh 16 lá i ndiaidh a chéile, geobhaidh páistí torthaí agus glasraí saor in aisce sa scoil agus gheobhaidh síad greamaitheoirí agus duaiseanna beaga toisc gur ith siad na torthaí agus na glasraí. Ansin spreagfar páistí chun torthaí agus glasraí a thabhairt leo ón mbaile agus iad a ithe ar scoil mar chuid dá lón laethúil agus gheobhaidh sí teastais chun a ndul chun cinn a aithint.
Is é aidhm an chlár go spreagfaidh sé páistí chun torthaí agus glasraí a blaiseadh arís is arís ionas gur féidr leo dul i dtaithí orthu. Cuireann an clár eiseamláirí dearfacha i láthair, mar atá, Gaiscígh an Bhia. Tá siad i sraith eachtraí ar DVD agus i litreacha a léifidh an múinteoir os ard sa rang. Tá na Gaiscígh ann chun na páistí a spreagadh chun torthaí agus glasraí a ithe. Faigheann na páistí greamaitheoirí agus duaiseanna beaga chun páirt a ghlacadh sa chlár. Dearadh na duaiseanna beaga le haghaidh páistí bunscoile 4 bliana d'aois agus os a chionn sin.
Ag tosú an tseachtain seo chugainn, agus ar feadh 16 lá an chláir gheobhaidh do pháiste cuid saor in aisce de thoradh agus de ghlasra ar scoil. Seans gur mhaith leat an méid bia atá i mbosca lóin do pháiste a athrú chun spás a dhéanamh le haghaidh an bhia bhreise seo. Ní thógann an clár mórán ama ar scoil, ach tá dóchas ann go gcabhróidh sé go mór le sláinte iad siúd a ghlacfaidh páirt ann.
Cuirfear do pháiste in áirithe láithreach sa chlár seo. Ach má tá aon chúis nár mhaith leat go mbeadh do pháiste páirteach ann (m.sh. má tá ailléirge ar an bpáiste roimh thoradh nó glasra de chineál éigin), bheimis buíoch dá gcuirfeá an scoil ar an eolas.
Le tuilleadh eolais a fháil ar an gclár agus ar smaointe ar itheachán sláintiúil, féach ar ár suíomh gréasáin: www.fooddudes.ie
Tá súil againn go mbeidh spórt agat féin agus ag do pháiste le Gaiscígh an Bhia!
Bainisteoir Tionscnaimh Ghaiscígh an Bhia
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Your child’s/children’s school is participating in the Food Dudes Healthy Eating Programme, which aims to encourage children to eat more fruit and vegetables. Health experts recommend that children (and adults) eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables each day. However, many children currently eat less than this.
The programme is managed in Ireland by Bord Bia and receives financial support from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine and the European Union through the School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme – under which the EU has made funds available for the purchase and distribution of fruit and vegetables to schools.
For 16 consecutive school days, children receive free fruit and vegetables in school and are rewarded with stickers and small rewards for eating these foods. Children will then be encouraged to bring in and eat fruit and vegetables from home as part of their daily diet and will be rewarded with certificates of achievements.
The aim of the programme is to encourage children to repeatedly try fruit and vegetables so that they can learn to like them. The programme depicts positive role models, the Food Dudes, in a series of DVD adventures and letters are read out in class that encourage children to eat fruit and vegetables. Stickers and small rewards are offered for participation in the programme. The small rewards are designed for primary school children aged 4 years and over.
Beginning next week, for 16 days of the programme your child will receive a free piece of fruit and a portion of vegetables at school. You may wish to adjust the amount of food in your child’s lunchbox to accommodate these additional foods. The programme takes only a small amount of time in school but will hopefully result in health benefits for all who participate.
Your child will automatically be included in this programme. However, if for any reason you do not want your child to take part (e.g. if they are allergic to a certain type of fruit or vegetables), we would be grateful if you could inform the school.
For further information on the programme and healthy eating ideas, please see our website; www.fooddudes.ie
We hope you and your child have fun with the Food Dudes!
Your Regional Food Dudes Project Manager
Cuairteoir ar 7ú Aibreán 2017
Tháinig an ean seo chugainn ar lá na laethanta saoire na Cásca. Caislín cloch an t-ainm atá air.
look who came to visit on the day of the Easter holidays. the name of this type of bird is a Stonechat.
A Stonechat breeds in scrubby areas, frequently with at least some Gorse present. In Ireland, commonest in coastal areas and rather localised in the Midlands.
look who came to visit on the day of the Easter holidays. the name of this type of bird is a Stonechat.
A Stonechat breeds in scrubby areas, frequently with at least some Gorse present. In Ireland, commonest in coastal areas and rather localised in the Midlands.
Headlice Problem
Headlice have been detected in the school again. I am urging you to check your child's hair. EVERYONE must do a check or the problem will continue to persist. The following is a proven way to treat the problem.
- Treat with Lyclear(headlice shampoo) for 10 mins.
- Put on ample amounts of conditioner.
- Comb the conditioner through the hair.
- Then, comb with the purple comb that comes with the Bug Busting kit.
- Repeat the combing every 3 days for 2 weeks.
Comórtas Mini-7's

Details about Miní 7's Competition | |
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Lá Glantachán an Earraigh/
Spring Clean Day
Beidh lá glantachán an Earraigh ag tárlú sa cheantar ar an 8ú Aibreán 2017. Tá an lá seo eagraithe ag Ionad na Dromoda. Tá cabhair ag teastáil uathu. Tuilleadh eolais le fáil ó Cháit nó Máire san Ionad.
A Spring Cleaning Day will take place in the Dromid area on 8th April 2017. Monad na Dromoda are organising the day. Help required. If you need more information, contact Cáit or Máire at the Centre.
A Spring Cleaning Day will take place in the Dromid area on 8th April 2017. Monad na Dromoda are organising the day. Help required. If you need more information, contact Cáit or Máire at the Centre.
Peil le PJ - Rang 4, 5, 6
Rang 4, 5, 6 - Beimid ag dul go dtí Páirc Piarsaigh na Dromoda amárach, an 14ú Márta 2017. Bróga péile agus cosaint fiacla ag teastáilt.
Sacraimint na hAithrí don Rang Cóineartaithe
Beidh aithrí ag rang 5 agus rang 6 ar an gCéadaoin seo chugainn, an 15ú Márta 2017 @ 11.00i.n. sa séipéal áitiúla. Fáilte roimh chách.
The Confirmation Classes will have Confession in the Our Lady of the Valley church on Wednesday 15th March @ 11am. Everybody welcome.
The Confirmation Classes will have Confession in the Our Lady of the Valley church on Wednesday 15th March @ 11am. Everybody welcome.
Céilí Glasa Bliantúla
Beidh ar gcéilí glas bliantiúla ar siúl ar an Déardaoin seo chugainn, an 16ú Marta 2017, ó 1.00i.n. go dtí 2.30i.n. i Halla na Dromoda. Caith éadaí glasa. Beimid ag taispeáint ár scileanna damhsa a d'fhoglaíomar ó Norrita dhaoibh.
Our annual Céilí Glasa will take place on Thursday next, 16th March 2017 from 1pm to 2.30pm. Wear green clothes. Our dancing skills will be on show on the day!!
Our annual Céilí Glasa will take place on Thursday next, 16th March 2017 from 1pm to 2.30pm. Wear green clothes. Our dancing skills will be on show on the day!!
Athbhreithniú ar ár bPolasaí Dáileadh Leighis
Review of our Administration of Medicine Policy
Táimid ag athbhreithniú ár bpolasaí Dáileadh Leighis. Léigh tríd agus tabhair do chuid smaointe chugainn roimh an 19ú Márta 2017 más féidir.
We are currently reviewing our Administration of Medicine policy. Please read this policy as it may have important implications for you. We welcome any comments you may have before the 19th March 2017. Policy may be amended if deemed necessary.
We are currently reviewing our Administration of Medicine policy. Please read this policy as it may have important implications for you. We welcome any comments you may have before the 19th March 2017. Policy may be amended if deemed necessary.

polasaí_leighis_cillinliath.pdf | |
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Lá Oscailte/ Open Day
Beidh lá oscailte againn sa scoil ar an 10ú Márta 2017 ó 1.00in go dtí 2.30i.n. Fáilte roimh chách.
There will be a Open Day for new pupils on Friday, 10th March from 1.00pm to 2.30pm. Everybody welcome.
There will be a Open Day for new pupils on Friday, 10th March from 1.00pm to 2.30pm. Everybody welcome.
Cruinniú Foirne/ Staff Meeting
Beidh an scoil ag dúnadh ag 12.30i.n. toisc go mbeidh cruinniú foirne ag na múinteoirí.
School will close at 12.30pm to facilitate a staff meeting.
School will close at 12.30pm to facilitate a staff meeting.
An Chéad Aithrí - Rang 2
Beidh an Chéad Aithrí ar siúl ar an Aoine an 10ú Márta ag 11.00in sa séipéal. Tá sé tabhachtach go mbeidh tuismitheoir ann do gach pháiste.
The First Confession Ceremony for 2nd class will take place on Friday both March 2017 in Our Lady of the Valley Church. It is import that all children have a parent present.
The First Confession Ceremony for 2nd class will take place on Friday both March 2017 in Our Lady of the Valley Church. It is import that all children have a parent present.
Scrúdú Creidimh
Bhí scrúdú creideamh againn ar an 1ú Márta 2017. D'éirigh go hiontach linn. Bhí Diarmaid Ó Ceallaigh an sásta leis an caighdeán Gaeilge sa scoil.
We had a religion inspection on the 1st March and we sailed through it!!!! Diarmaid Ó Ceallaigh said he tried to catch the kids out but he failed miserably. He said the kids were amazing and was very impressed with the children's musical ability.
We had a religion inspection on the 1st March and we sailed through it!!!! Diarmaid Ó Ceallaigh said he tried to catch the kids out but he failed miserably. He said the kids were amazing and was very impressed with the children's musical ability.
Athbhreithniú ar na bPolasaithe Mata agus Gaeilge/ Review of Maths and Irish Policies
Tá athbhreithniú déanta againn ar ár bpolasaí Mata agus Gaeilge. Léigh tríd agus tabhair do chuid smaointe chugainn roimh an 16ú Feabhra 2017 más féidir.
We have currently reviewed our Maths and Irish Policies. Please read these policies and we welcome any comments you may have before the 16th February 2017.
We have currently reviewed our Maths and Irish Policies. Please read these policies and we welcome any comments you may have before the 16th February 2017.

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S.N. Cillín Liath Beo ar Raidió na Gaeltachta!!!
Bhí an t-ádh linn gur fuaireamar glaoch ón clár An Saol ó Dheas ar Raidió na Gaeltachta Dé Máirt seo caitechun dul ar an raidió agus ár gceol agis amhrain a chanadh. Seo dhaoibh cúpla griangraif den ócáid sin!!
An Clár Iomlán
Headlice Alert!!
Is oth liom a rá go bhfuil míolta gruaige sa scoil arís. Féach ar gruaig do pháiste agus leigheas é más gá.
We have been informed that there is an outbreak of headlice in the school. Please check your children hair asap and treat if needed.
We have been informed that there is an outbreak of headlice in the school. Please check your children hair asap and treat if needed.
Service of Light
Beidh Seibhís an Solais ar siúl ar an 28ú Éanair 2017 @7.30i.n. Caithfidh na páistí a bheith ann ag 7.15i.n. Ní gá dóibh an éide scoile a chaitheamh.
Tá tuismitheoir ag teastáil uaim chun guí an phobal a léamh. Cuir fios orm.
The Service of Light Ceremony for Confirmation classes will take place on Sat 28th January 2017 @ 7.30pm. 5th and 6th will be required to be seated for 7.15pm at the front of the church in the choir position. Children do not have to wear their uniform. I also require one parent to read a prayer of the faithful as follows:
Parent (Cillín Liath)
God of love, bless these children. We thank you for giving them to us as your gift. Be with them as they grow to adulthood. Keep them in you care all their lives.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
Tá tuismitheoir ag teastáil uaim chun guí an phobal a léamh. Cuir fios orm.
The Service of Light Ceremony for Confirmation classes will take place on Sat 28th January 2017 @ 7.30pm. 5th and 6th will be required to be seated for 7.15pm at the front of the church in the choir position. Children do not have to wear their uniform. I also require one parent to read a prayer of the faithful as follows:
Parent (Cillín Liath)
God of love, bless these children. We thank you for giving them to us as your gift. Be with them as they grow to adulthood. Keep them in you care all their lives.
Lord, hear us.
Lord, graciously hear us.
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Anti-Cyberbullying / Internet Safety Workshop
Beidh Ger Brick ag teacht chugainn chun labhair leis na páistí ó Rang 3 - Rang 6 ag caint dóibh faoin sábháilteacht idirlíne.
Béidh sé ag buaileadh le tuismitheoirí ag 7.00i.n ar an oíche sin. Tá sé an tábhachtacht go mbeidh tú ann ar son sábháilteacht dod’ chuid leanaí.
The Presenter
Ger Brick is an IT professional who up to recently has spent 17 years managing large scale deployments of Internet based applications for Microsoft Corporation both in Ireland and the US. He has had extensive experience in the areas of Data Security and Privacy. As a parent , he is passionate about promoting and advocating the need for safety online.
Student Presentation
Ger Brick will deliver a talk on Internet Safety & Cyberbullying to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. The presentation is approximately 1 hour in duration and provides students with practical information and guidance and instruction on how to Stay Safe and conduct themselves responsibly online. “CyberBullying and how we can stop it “ is a core theme throughout the presentation.
Presentation for ParentsThe Parent Information evening presentation is designed to run for 90 minutes in duration, typically followed by open discussion with Parents. It will take place on the eveningof 20th of February. The goal of Cyberbullying / Internet Safety evening is to provide parents with information about Cyberbullying and practical advice on how to keep their families safe online.
Béidh sé ag buaileadh le tuismitheoirí ag 7.00i.n ar an oíche sin. Tá sé an tábhachtacht go mbeidh tú ann ar son sábháilteacht dod’ chuid leanaí.
The Presenter
Ger Brick is an IT professional who up to recently has spent 17 years managing large scale deployments of Internet based applications for Microsoft Corporation both in Ireland and the US. He has had extensive experience in the areas of Data Security and Privacy. As a parent , he is passionate about promoting and advocating the need for safety online.
Student Presentation
Ger Brick will deliver a talk on Internet Safety & Cyberbullying to 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. The presentation is approximately 1 hour in duration and provides students with practical information and guidance and instruction on how to Stay Safe and conduct themselves responsibly online. “CyberBullying and how we can stop it “ is a core theme throughout the presentation.
Presentation for ParentsThe Parent Information evening presentation is designed to run for 90 minutes in duration, typically followed by open discussion with Parents. It will take place on the eveningof 20th of February. The goal of Cyberbullying / Internet Safety evening is to provide parents with information about Cyberbullying and practical advice on how to keep their families safe online.
- Presentation Details.
How do we connect to the Internet?
The devices we use to get online. It’s not just computers any more. Discuss what children do online, discuss what’s popular.
Recognising and Engaging in your child’s Online World.
Cyberbullying Video.
Definition and facts.
Cyberbullying Characteristics v’s Offline Bullying.
How to recognise signs of Cyberbullying.
How to respond to your child if they are Cyberbullied.
Teaching your children how to communicate appropriately and with Respect online. Rules to teach your children STOP, BLOCK, TELL, KEEP, THINK, PROTECT, RESPECT
The Law in Ireland / What to Expect / Possible Outcomes.
An Garda Siochana.
Internet Safety.- Internet Safety Video.
- Personal Information and Privacy – what to teach your children.
- Using your computer safely.
- What to Post & Not to Post online.
- Some simple practical things Parents can do immediately to keep their family safe online.
- Get Smart or Be Outsmarted by your child.
- Parental Controls practical demonstration. How parents can monitor their child’s online
activity. - Parental Controls – Demo how easy they are to set up and use.
- Let’s talk Apps – Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook etc. What Parents need to know.
- Easy ways to keep yourself current with online trends.
- Gaming Consoles & Parental Controls. What Parents need to be aware of.
- Rules & Tips to teach your children to keep safe online.
Non Uniform Day
Beidh lá gan éide scoile againn ar an 28ú Éanair, an aoine deireanach den mhí. Tabhair €2 ar scoil led’ thoil.
Our next non-uniform day will take place on Friday 27th January . It is a fundraising effort for the Parent's Association. Children should bring €2 to school on this day.
Our next non-uniform day will take place on Friday 27th January . It is a fundraising effort for the Parent's Association. Children should bring €2 to school on this day.
Happy Campers ag dul go dtí Cill Áirne le haghaidh snámh!!
Eolas ar Snámh
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Grow in Love Mass
The Next Grow in Love Mass for First Communicants will take place on 20th January 2017 @ 7.30pmat Our Lady of the Valley Church in Dromid.
Club Obair Bhaile
Sa téarma seo, beidh an club obair bhaile ar siúl gach Luain, Máirt agus Céadaoin. Beidh sé ag tosú ar an 16ú Éanair 2017.
This term, homework club will take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning on Monday 16th January next.
A normal homework club will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, where children complete their homework getting help when required.
On Tuesdays, extra maths will be taught to 5th and 6th class. All children should attend this class. No homework will be given on Tuesday nights if class is attended.
This term, homework club will take place on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays beginning on Monday 16th January next.
A normal homework club will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays, where children complete their homework getting help when required.
On Tuesdays, extra maths will be taught to 5th and 6th class. All children should attend this class. No homework will be given on Tuesday nights if class is attended.
Peil le P.J.
Peil le PJ will begin on Tues. 17ú Eánair. 4th, 5th and 6th will partake in this training for mini 7's every fortnight.
Tráth na gCeist an Chomhar Creidmheasa
Credit Union School's Quiz
Beidh an Tráth na gCeist an Chomhar Creidmheasa ar siúl an an 29ú Éanair 2017 i Halla an Fhail Mhór.
The Quiz will take place on Sunday 29th January at Filemore Community Centre, beginning at 3:00pm.
There will be two competitions (age categories): Competition A entrants must not have reached their 11th birthday on or before December 31st 2016 while Competition B entrants must not have reached their 13th birthday by that same date. Each team will consist of four students. The eldest member of a team determines the Competition in which that team may participate. It is important to ensure that children are eligible for the competition entered and correct dates of birth are provided.
Please ensure all participants are present and seated early so we start on time. The tables will as always, be allocated and clearly marked.
Uniforms must be worn.
The Quiz will take place on Sunday 29th January at Filemore Community Centre, beginning at 3:00pm.
There will be two competitions (age categories): Competition A entrants must not have reached their 11th birthday on or before December 31st 2016 while Competition B entrants must not have reached their 13th birthday by that same date. Each team will consist of four students. The eldest member of a team determines the Competition in which that team may participate. It is important to ensure that children are eligible for the competition entered and correct dates of birth are provided.
Please ensure all participants are present and seated early so we start on time. The tables will as always, be allocated and clearly marked.
Uniforms must be worn.
Ceachtanna Snámha
Beidh na ceachtanna snámha ag tosú ar an 20 Éanair agus ag críochnú ar an 17ú Feabhra 2017. Beidh na ranganna snámh ar siúl gach Aoine.
Swimming lessons beginning on the 20th Jan and will continue every Friday until the 17th February 2017.
Swimming lessons beginning on the 20th Jan and will continue every Friday until the 17th February 2017.
Ceachtanna Damhsa
Beidh ceachtanna damhsa Gaelach le Norita Cronin ag tosú ar an 18ú Éanair go dtí an 16ú Márta 2017. Beidh na ranganna ar siúl gach Céadaoin.
Irish Dancing lessons beginning on 17th Jan to the 15th March 2017. dancing lessons will take place each Wednesday.
Irish Dancing lessons beginning on 17th Jan to the 15th March 2017. dancing lessons will take place each Wednesday.
Confirmation Date
Confirmation will take place in Our Lady of the Valley Church in Cillín Liath on 5th April 2017 @ 3.30pm.
Update Carol Service in Caherciveen
The bus drivers have been very kind and are going to take the children to Walsh's Super Valu on 22nd Dec at 10.30am. We will sing carols and play music in Walsh's. The bus drivers will then pick children up from Super Valu at 12:15/ 12:30pm and bring them home. The children that do not travel to school by bus will travel by car. All travel arrangements have been cleared with the Bus Company. Parents are very welcome to attend and join in!!! Tra la la la la, fa la la la!!!!!
Children in classes 2nd to 6th are asked to wear their uniforms on Sat night for the Carol Service. Capes will be provided at the church.
Non-Uniform Day
The last Friday in every month will be a non-uniform day. It is a fundraising effort for the Parent's Association. Children will bring €2 to school on this day. Our first non-uniform day will take place on the 16th of December. Children in the infant and 1st class do not have to bring €2 tomorow as they are going on a class trip.
Update for Ms Dineen's School Tour
Ms Dineen's class will return to school just before 3 o' clock tomorrow. They will all go home in the usual way i.e. bus/ car. Therefor they will not be back in time for the Naíonra.
Searmanas na gCró - Christmas Carol Service
Our Christmas Carol service will take place on 17th December at 7pm before Saturday night mass. Infants and First class will present the Nativity story and Rang 2-6 will sing carols. The children will then take an active part in the mass afterwards. Please come and join us in the festive fun. All children are to be at the church at 6:40pm. Children from 2nd to 6th must wear their school uniform. Children in Infants and First class do not have to wear uniform as they will dressing up for their drama.
Stitch and Sew
Sharon Sheehan will again present lesson 2 of Stitch and Sew on Mon Morning next at 10:00am. We are receiving funding for this course on the pretense that it is a family learning project. The children are designing and will sew a Christmas stocking, therefore adult support is required. All adults attending must be garda vetted by the school. Please let me know with note in your child’s diary if you can attend the workshop. Thank you. Elaine
Coláiste na Sceilge 6th Class Visit
Ms Golden, 1 yr head, and Ms Coffey, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator will visit our 6th class on 14th December to chat with them about attending Coláiste na Sceilge next year.
Christmas Carol Singing
On the 22nd Dec, the day of the Christmas Holidays, all children will sing Christmas Carols at Walsh's SuperValu in Caherciveen from 11am -12:30pm. Children will come to school as usual. We will then depart school at 10.30am (Drivers neccesary/ bus to be decided). It will be great to give the children an outlet for their wonderful singing and competent knowledge of musical instruments.
Turas dos na Naíonáin agus Rang 1
Ms Dineen's class will go on a trip to visit Santa's Winter Wonderland at Crag Cave in Castleisland on Friday 16th Dec 2016. Children will travel by bus to Crag Cave. There will be a €20 euro charge for this trip. Please pay fee at your convenience.
Turas do Rang 2, 3, 4
Rang 2, 3, 4 will attend the panto, ‘Old Mother Hubbard’s Crazy Christmas’ in Tech Amergin on 21st December at 1pm. Children will travel by bus to Tech Amergin.
Old Mother Hubbard’s Crazy Christmas
Mother Hubbard, with her faithful dog Growler, and her willing helper Little Jack Horner, runs a very posh B & B - Old King Cole is an annual visitor. Mother Hubbard bakes Santa’s Christmas Pudding! All the food, and Growler’s bone, is stored in her magic cupboard... until a sneaky Witch with a passion for sugar turns up and suddenly the cupboard is bare. Disaster!! Poor Santa - no Christmas Pudding! Poor Growler - no bone! Then a mysterious guest - who might be a bird-watcher, or a spy or even a Prince - turns up, and maybe, just maybe, with a little help from the children in the audience, Growler will get his bone, Santa will get his Christmas pudding, the Witch will get what she deserves and Mother Hubbard’'s crazy Christmas might be happy after all.
There will be a €10 charge for this trip. Please pay fee at your convenience.
Old Mother Hubbard’s Crazy Christmas
Mother Hubbard, with her faithful dog Growler, and her willing helper Little Jack Horner, runs a very posh B & B - Old King Cole is an annual visitor. Mother Hubbard bakes Santa’s Christmas Pudding! All the food, and Growler’s bone, is stored in her magic cupboard... until a sneaky Witch with a passion for sugar turns up and suddenly the cupboard is bare. Disaster!! Poor Santa - no Christmas Pudding! Poor Growler - no bone! Then a mysterious guest - who might be a bird-watcher, or a spy or even a Prince - turns up, and maybe, just maybe, with a little help from the children in the audience, Growler will get his bone, Santa will get his Christmas pudding, the Witch will get what she deserves and Mother Hubbard’'s crazy Christmas might be happy after all.
There will be a €10 charge for this trip. Please pay fee at your convenience.
Turas do Rang 5, 6
Rang 5 agus 6 will attend the Coláiste na Sceilge's Drama Production of Grease on 9th Dec 2016 @ 10am in Coláiste na Sceilge. Children will travel by bus to Coláiste na Sceilge. There will be a €10 charge for this trip. Please pay fee at your convenience.
Lá Inseirbhíse - Curaclam Teanga na Bunscoile
Beidh lá inseirbhíse do mhúinteoirí na scoile ar siúl i dTrá Lí ar an 1ú Mí na Nollag 2016. Beidh an scoil dúnta ar an lá sin.
A Primary Langauge Curriculum inservice day for teacher's will take place in Tralee on 1st December 2016. S.N. Cillín Liath will be closed on this day.
A Primary Langauge Curriculum inservice day for teacher's will take place in Tralee on 1st December 2016. S.N. Cillín Liath will be closed on this day.
Grow in Love Programme
Dates of the Saturdays of Grow in Love Programme for First Communicants 2016/ 2017
19ú Samhain 2016 @7.30i.n.
An Chéad Chomaoineach Naofa/ First Holy Communion - 27ú Bealtaine 2017 - Our Lady of the Valley Church, Cillín Liath
19ú Samhain 2016 @7.30i.n.
An Chéad Chomaoineach Naofa/ First Holy Communion - 27ú Bealtaine 2017 - Our Lady of the Valley Church, Cillín Liath
Cruinniú Foirne - Staff Meeting
Beidh cruinniú foirne ar siúl Dé Luain seo chugainn 14ú Samhain 2016. Beidh na páistí ag dul abhaile ag a 12.30i.n.
A staff meeting will take place in the school on Monday 14th November 2016. Children will go home at 12.30pm on that day.
A staff meeting will take place in the school on Monday 14th November 2016. Children will go home at 12.30pm on that day.
STEM Showcase - Sat 19 Nov 2016
We would like to inform you of an upcoming STEM Showcase as part of Kerry Science Festival which takes place at the IT Tralee North Campus on Saturday 19th November from 11am to 5pm.
During the course of the day, the presenters will be showcasing STEM and inviting families to discover the exciting world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Free workshops on the day will include: Mathsworld, Lego WeDo, Cell Explorers, Designer Minds and Spec in a Suitcase. All workshops are free but must be booked in advance at www.kerryscience.com.
On the day they will also have free kids entertainment including face painting, bouncy castles, stilt walkers, Giant Jenga and giant Connect Four. The Fanzini Brothers will perform their show “Guido Fanzini’s Impossible Circus” from 1.30-2.30pm.
There will also be a panel discussion on Careers in the STEM sector facilitated by broadcaster and lecturer Dr. Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, where company representatives will talk about the varied careers available to graduates in Kerry and beyond.
During the course of the day, the presenters will be showcasing STEM and inviting families to discover the exciting world of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. Free workshops on the day will include: Mathsworld, Lego WeDo, Cell Explorers, Designer Minds and Spec in a Suitcase. All workshops are free but must be booked in advance at www.kerryscience.com.
On the day they will also have free kids entertainment including face painting, bouncy castles, stilt walkers, Giant Jenga and giant Connect Four. The Fanzini Brothers will perform their show “Guido Fanzini’s Impossible Circus” from 1.30-2.30pm.
There will also be a panel discussion on Careers in the STEM sector facilitated by broadcaster and lecturer Dr. Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, where company representatives will talk about the varied careers available to graduates in Kerry and beyond.
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